Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Two Scathing Dissents on the FCC's Illegal, Unnecessary & Harmful Net Neutrality Order

Federal Communications Commissioners Rob McDowell and Meredith Baker speak their minds.

Amplify’d from

The FCC’s order still isn’t out (just a news release in .DOC form), but the Commissioner’s accompanying statements are. Anyone interested in net neutrality regulation or the coming political, legal and constitutional fights over it must read the scathing dissents by Commissioners Rob McDowell and Meredith Baker.

Commissioner McDowell summarizes his dissent beautifully:

  1. Nothing is broken in the Internet access market that needs fixing;

  2. The FCC does not have the legal authority to issue these rules;

  3. The proposed rules are likely to cause irreparable harm; and

  4. Existing law and Internet governance structures provide  ample consumer protection in the event a systemic market failure occurs.